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Hello world, I'm

Aissa Bedr

@Full stack engineer

Transforming ideas into online realities

Who is Aissa Bedr?


Expert in speaking on business topics and technology projects.


Committed to deadlines and maintain expectations.

I always learn new skills in my field and improve my Tech Stack

Programming languages

Web skills


Building projects with love and passion.

Do you want to start a project together?

A selection of my Best Projects

Poll Next - Full Stack Polls Web Application

Poll Next - Full Stack Polls Web Application

Create your Poll Next account, create your own polls, share them with friends and wait their reaction and have fun.

Global Chat - Full Stack Chat Web Application

Global Chat - Full Stack Chat Web Application

Join and chat with multiple users in real time.

Todo App - Full Stack to-do Web Application

Todo App - Full Stack to-do Web Application

Create your first account, create your tasks and play with them, they are saved forever don't worry.

Next Dashboard - Explore

Next Dashboard - Explore

You want to explore a new world of all web techniques out there? you need to try.

Calculator - Microsoft Calculator Clone

Calculator - Microsoft Calculator Clone

Fully functional calculator with a lot of features.

Budget App - Start here

Budget App - Start here

Do you remember when you have a budget to shop, then have a list of products you don't know from where to start! you will start here.

Astro Evade - Save The Space

Astro Evade - Save The Space

From where, we don't know how the space is invaded your goal is to save it from the evil around it.

Memory Game - Solid Game

Memory Game - Solid Game

Do you have a strong memory to play this game? If yes join the maze.

Kind words from Satisfied Clients

Soufiane The Great

Really good working with him. Takes feedback well and is quick to update mistakes!

Akram Ouaked

Literally an artist. Every new feature he adds, he gets creative with it.


Aissa Bedr is a master of his work.

My Experience


The great journey started here.

Trying to make some basic structures using htmlcss

It was hard at first but nothing impossible with js

I learned and practiced a lot in Front End Web Development.

First js library/framework that I used that time is reactjs

Loved technology ts


As the previous year.

Continue in Front End Web Development reactjstailwindcss

In the begining of the year I learned the basics about Back End Web Development.

After that I hate anything related to the Back End because it was hard for me.

Creating personal projects in the Front End area

In the end of the year I comeback to Back End and I tried to get through, it was not easy but I did a great job nodejs

Loved technology solid


The year of the Back End.

This leads to a Full Stack Web Developer.

Continue in Front End Web Development solid

Creating API after API, burning Node and Express js nodejs

Learning new Back End concepts and try to apply them with the Front End.

Creating Full Stack Web Projects nestjs

Creating 2d Games with HTML Canvas and TypeScript htmlts

Exploring new land | Deno Land deno

Until now I am in love with nestjs

A selection of Clients Projects

Digital Success - Send Your Company to A Great Success

Digital Success - Send Your Company to A Great Success

PEA App - An English Learning Platform

PEA App - An English Learning Platform

Ready to take your web application to the Next level?

Reach me out today, I can help you begin, continue, complete.

Copyright ©2024 Aissa Bedr